Last Note To All Indian Hackers by D@rkw0lf HellsAngel

"Virtual Suicide Note"

- by ÐärkwØlf HéllsÃngël

(0ne of the lead and respected senior core member of Team Indishell)

An experience make you strong or weak depend on how you take it and implicate in real life. Got a free trip to Banglore and back home and this experience is pretty unique and the worst experience is watching guys fighting, abusing each other and providing entrainment and Free learn abusing in 30 seconds classes. I thank all the supporters who are with us in this ordeal of ours. But supporting us doesn’t mean abusing each other. By making this note I am not judging anyone.

But, the most thing which hurted me after coming back and a question raised is where are we heading??? . Making groups , fighting with others, instead of supporting each other and applaud on success of each other or support and unite when there is some thing going on against the community Indian hackers are busy slapping each other faces and seriously did you even notice the abusive words you are using against each other??? I never had seen any hostile group from even Pakistan or Bangladesh abusing us in such a ill manner.

Lucky retired months back and he is not coming back so wakeup guys stop dragging his name everywhere. He is working as a web designer now and no where connected to hacking . He didn’t quit hacking but the hatred among the Indian hackers killed the hacker inside him , Respect his decision and let him live peacefully. When asked by me when he is coming back His message was “ ,,!,, “ .I hope its clear enough.

I was working busy with my special kids since past 8- 9 months.. And working with them made me realize that they are not Mentally retarded in return they are living in a perfect world while we are living in a fake world. It may be a abusive fight or defacements virtuality is never a judge to decide who is winner or who is looser. The strong always take abuse as ignorance the weak fights back. This is a message not only to one person or group this implies to everyone even Indishell members, stop abusing :|. Instead spend time to know each other, I bet you will see a good person hidden even in your worst enemy on virtuality.

FB is such a hell hole any one can make a group and spend hours bragging, blogging, abusing others in the name of Patriotism, Religion and other bullshits . India don’t need or require people like you unless you get out your virtual box and do something for community and serve your belief in reality. Did any group on Fb did anything till now in reality?? How many of their members participated in some social service activity?? How many of them raise funds for a orphanage?? None I guess . If you did Hat’s off ...So ??? ask yourself.

There may be rumors and proofs that I was a liar.. Don’t judge me unless you are truthful. Put your hands on your heart and ask have you never lied??? You can tell the world that you didn’t but you can’t escape your inner self. I did my part of sins and wrongs in others point of view and I have no regrets or complains coz I only know why I did it..

Made good brothers. I have lived, loved, respected, hated, stabbed, dumped, insulted and finally Fedup with this bullshit. There were days in past when I used to feel proud to be called a “Hacker” now they were just memories to cherish coz Respect, Loyalty, Honor, Trust and Friendship are just a myth in virtual life.. My virtual road has ended months back but due to recent events it took a U turn again lol.. So this time I am jumping off the cliff so there will be no coming back and end virtuality with a final word of suggestion “Stay United as Indians”. Spread love not hatred, Keep Smiling and stay blessed.. Bye

P.s : If you need a article writer for you blog or website contact me consider the long note above as my resume :PPPP.. Keep smiling my friends … God bless all without borders and differences \m/.

Those who support my decision kindly spread it as last favor...


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